AHL Topic 12-20

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12 - Atomic Structure
12.1 Electron configuration

13 - Periodicity
13.1 Trends across period 3
13.2 First-row d-block elements

14 - Bonding
14.1 Shapes of molecules and ions
14.2 Hybridization
14.3 Delocalization of electrons

15 - Energetics 
15.1 Standard enthalpy changes of reaction
15.2 Born-Haber cycle
15.3 Entropy
15.4 Spontaneity

16 - Kinetics
16.1 Rate expression
16.2 Reaction mechanism
16.3 Activation energy

17 - Equilibrium
17.1 Liquid-vapour equilibrium
17.2 The equilibrium law

18 - Acids and bases
18.1 Calculations involving acids and bases
18.2 Buffer solutions
18.3 Salt hydrolysis
18.4 Acid-base titrations
18.5 Indicators

19 - Oxidation and reduction
19.1 Standard electrode potentials
19.2 Electrolysis

20 - Organic chemistry
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Nucleophilic substitution reaction
20.3 Elimination reactions
20.4 Condensation reactions
20.5 Reaction pathways
20.6 Stereoisomerism

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